

Saturday 21 February 2015

Best Foods to Eat Before And After Yoga

Yoga is the great form of exercise that calms both the body and mind.For the people who perform Yoga regularly,here is the yoga diet (before and after yoga workout) you should follow before and after you perform Yoga.Here we make best yoga diet plan for those who are taking yoga teacher training classes.You can follow this yoga diet in your break fast or in snack time.

To experience the best results of Yoga,it is must to eat the right food.The maximum results will be possible by taking proper diet.

Before Yoga Class

Most of the people says that it is not good to take food before Yoga as some yoga postures put pressure on the abdominal muscles.However,for some people it may not be possible.

Here are few important things to keep in mind before practicing yoga.

  •  It is always advisable to eat light food which can digest quickly.

  • Eat atleast 30-40 minutes before Yoga.

  • Avoid taking food which contain acidic content like coffee,orange and lemon juices etc....

  • Don’t drink plenty of water.

What To Eat Before Yoga

  1. Avocados

  2. Bananas

  3. Fruits

  4. Smoothies

  5. Yogurt

  6. Apples

  7. Almonds

  8. Raisins

  9. Dried Fruit And Nut Bar

  10. Berries

  11. Oatmeal

After Yoga Workout

It is quite natural to feel hungry after performing yoga.Practicing all the yoga postures make you crave for food.Don’t eat junk food or snack immediately after yoga.Rather drink plenty of water.It is necessary to take proper food after yoga to obtain best results of Yoga.

What to Eat After Yoga

  1. Water

  2. Fresh Fruit Juice

  3. Homemade Vegetable Soup

  4.  Tuna

  5. Toast With Banana And Almond Butter

  6. Green Tea

  7. Whole-Grain Toast With Scrambled Egg Whites

  8. Fresh Vegetable Salad

These simple tips can help you reap the maximum results of yoga.

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