Tuesday, 11 November 2014

[Solved] How to Disable The Blue Ticks In Whatsapp Android and IPhone

How Disable Blue Ticks in whatsapp :

One of the popular andriod app " Whatsapp  Messenger" recently introduced the Double blue tick feature by which one can easily find out know if sent message really read or not.Till now we have seen this feature in LINE,Hike and Facebook Messenger.But Many WhatsApp users are uncomfortable with the double check marks.Here we provide some tricks on how to disable blue tick marks in whatsapp messages.By these methods you can easily  Remove blue ticks in whatsapp.And Stop showing blue ticks in whatsapp chat.

How Disable Blue Ticks in whatsapp

In whats App old version double check marks means message has been read  by the receiver.But now Single Check mark means the message is received by whatsapp sever and Double ticks indicate message received successfully but not yet read.And Blue ticks specifies the receiver read our message.It means no more lies now and can't escape.Even though it is very useful for all  many other youngsters consider this as privacy violation.Because by this they easily caught  by their boy friend/girl friend if they forget to give reply.

Disable Blue Double Ticks in Whatsapp [ Method 1 ]

It is very easy method to hide blue ticks in whatapp but not genuine.  you can do this so by  just turning off the Mobile Data tried which is used in past to hide last seen  status from other people. The method  works efficient here also.

Step 1:  When ever  you get  Whatsapp Message  don’t open it.

Step 2: Just  turn off  your Wifi or Mobile Data.

Step 3:  And Now Open Whatsapp and read that Message.

Step 4. Close Whatsapp and clear it from notifications.

Step 5. Now  Turn ON Wifi thats  it.

Remove Blue Double Tick marks in Whatsapp [ Method 2 ]

Step 1 : First you need to back up your  Whatsapp Messages.

              Goto Settings -> Chat Settings ->Backup Messages  for iPhone/ Android (samsung)

Step 2: And Now Download this Older Whatsapp APK Version: Whatsapp 2.11.426.

Step 3: Install the APK to your Android Mobile .

Step 4: Don't forget Disable the Auto Update of Whatsapp.

These are simple and easy ways to disable or remove Double Blue Lines in WhatApp.These methods work for all android hand sets like Samsung,Moto G,Sony Black Berry  and Iphone.Hope you like our article if you have any doubts please comment here.

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